September 2022
The InnoTrans in Berlin is the world’s largest international trade fair for transport technology and mobility. After the pandemic break, InnoTrans was strongly attended again. The four days of the trade fair were organised by Messe Berlin and attracted 137,394 visitors (2018: 153,421) from 131 countries (149) despite travel restrictions here and there. 2,834 exhibitors (2018: 3,062) from 56 (61) countries presented 128 rail vehicles on the site. Further, about 250 world’s firsts were introduced to the world for the first time. Almost 60 percent of the trade visitors came from abroad, two thirds of them from EU countries.
May 2019
Founded in 1969, the Offshore Technology Conference “is where energy professionals meet to exchange ideas and opinions to advance scientific and technical knowledge for offshore resources and environmental matters.” In 2019, OTC is celebrating their 50th anniversary. They put together cool timeline of their history here. The theme this year was “Going the Distance.” Along with the theme, there was a new program called the “Around the World Series.” According to the OTC 2019 website, in this series “Global industry leaders will discuss new licensing and business opportunities, as well as recently introduced technologies.” These presentations were given by representatives from the following countries: Australia, Canada, France, Ghana, Guyana, Israel, Mexico, Norway, and the United Kingdom.
October 2018
METALEX – Vietnam
The 12th edition of “METALEX Vietnam” was conducted from 11 – 13 October at Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC), with an attendance of 18,848 manufacturing industrialists and leaders from over 500 brands worldwide. The event also featured 5 international pavilions from China, Germany, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan.
Through the combination of five shows, “METALEX Vietnam 2018”, “Nepcon Vietnam 2018”, “Industrial Components & Subcontracting Vietnam 2018”, “Supporting Industry Show 2018” and “ROBOT X HCMC”, which was co-organized by Japan External Trade Organization Ho Chi Minh City”, as well as the presence of technology providers from over 25 countries globally, delegates were able to experience a full spectrum of machine tools and solutions ranging from machining centers, EDM machines, sheet metalworking, welding technology and metrology.
October 2017
The 30th World LPG Forum was held under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Sovereign of the Kingdom of Morocco.
It took place in magnificent Marrakech one of the most vibrant and busiest cities in Africa which serves as a major economic centre. The Palais des Congrès of Marrakech located in the city centre in the prestigious Hivernage residential district offered perfect settings for the Forum and its participants.
In addition to an extensive exhibition, the programme featured keynotes including a keynote address by Mr Aziz Rebbah, Minister of Energy, Mines and Sustainable Development, roundtables as well as a LPG for Development Summit held by Global LPG Partnership, the 10th edition of the Global Technology Conference showcasing papers describing important and innovative technology and a working lunch with a focus on challenges and opportunities in the Brazilian LPG market.
More than 72 countries were in attendance, with 1,500 total participants. The top five countries represented were Morocco, Italy, France, USA and India.
April 2016
EXPOMIN 2016 | Mining Industry - Santiago, Chile
The event will feature the latest equipment, technology and services specifically geared towards the Chilean and Latin American mining industry. Organized by FISA S.A., the event has the support of the Chilean Government through the Ministry of Mining, the National Society of Mining, the Chilean Institute of Mining Engineers and the Mining Council.
Our team look forward to attend, and be able to share our first time exhibiting experience on this event worldwide.
Press Contact:
Anne Meerboth-Maltz
Tel. (312)781-5185
Fax (312) 781-5188
November 2015
EXPOTRANSPORTE ANTPAC 2015 - Guadalajara, Mexico
Guadalajara, Jalisco a 18 de noviembre de 2015 - La Asociación Nacional de Productores de Autobuses, Camiones y Tractocamiones (ANPACT) anuncio el inicio de la organización de la décimo sexta edición de la Expotransporte ANPACT 2015, en el Centro de Exposiciones Expo Guadalajara.
Este evento se ha caracterizado por ser una de las exposiciones con mayor área de exhibición en Mexico, este año ocupo 51,000 metros cuadrados, lo que permite a sus visitantes conocer los avances tecnológicos directo con los fabricantes de autobuses, camiones, tractocamiones y motores a diésel, todos socios de ANPACT, asà como con fabricantes y representantes de remolques, semiremolques, plataformas, cajas, chasises y trailers, góndolas de carga y descarga.
October 2015
OTC Brasil 2015: Industry Traditional Awards - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (28 October 2015) – For the first time, OTC Brasil 2015, one of the most prominent offshore oil and gas industry events in the world, held two industry traditional awards ceremonies in Brazil.
After the topical luncheon, this Wednesday second day of the event, OTC Brasil Oversight Comittee Chairman, João Carlos de Luca, presented the Distinguished Achievement Award to Petrobras engineer Antonio Capeleiro Pinto, award for individual. \"In my academic life, Brazil gave me everything. I studied in excellent public schools. In my professional life, Petrobras gave me the opportunities to develop a successful career. So I am grateful for both of them,\" said Antonio.
The Distinguished Achievement Award for Companies was presented to Subsea 7, for Buoy Supporting Risers System. The award was received by the company Ìs Vice-President Vitor Bomfim.
OTC Chairman, Joe Fowler, presented the Spotlight on New Technologies Award to FMC Technologies, for Shape Memory Alloy Fittings in Subsea Equipment, an innovative technology to replace orbital welding processes used to connect hydraulic tubing. FMC Technologies Technology and Engineering Vice-President, Paulo Couto, received the award and demonstrated the technology and its capacity to remember material shape. \"It is a technology used many times in other industries, such as automotive, but first time in the application in oil and gas industry.\"
About the Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute (IBP)
Founded in 1957, IBP is a private, non-profit organization focused on promoting the development of the Brazilian oil, gas and biofuels industry in a competitive, sustainable, ethical and socially responsible environment. Today, IBP congregates more than 220 associated companies and professionals, and it is recognized as an important industry representative for its technical knowledge and fostering the debate of big industry issues. Organizer of the main oil & gas shows in Brazil, such as Rio Oil & Gas and OTC Brasil, IBP also develops technical courses and it is also responsible for standardization, certification of inspection services and technical publications.
June 2015
METEC | International Metallurgical Trade - Düsseldorf, Germany
The boom is stagnating. This is something that the metal industry on all continents is starting to notice. That is why at first it wasn’t clear if the four big metal trade fairs in Düsseldorf would be a success. There were a lot of concerns that the companies would shy away from large investments. However: There were no signs of a mood of crisis at the GIFA, METEC & Co.
With 78,000 visitors from more than 120 countries GIFA, METEC, THERMPROCESS and NEWCAST 2015 in Düsseldorf were on the level of the previous events. The experts presented themselves in high spirits to invest and the 2.214 exhibiting companies reported on numerous business transactions with customers from all over the world.
Messe Düsseldorf Managing Director Joachim Schäfer: “The ‘Bright World of Metals’ shines brighter than ever. The atmosphere in the fair halls was excellent every day. The trade visitors really appreciated that complete machines and systems are presented here in Düsseldorf. Accordingly, the sales talks run extremely positive.â€
May 2015
Offshore Technology Conference - Houston, USA
Houston, Texas, USA (7 May 2015) – Swissxer, together with more than 94,700 other attendees from 130 countries gathered at the annual conference, demonstrating OTC’s position as the leading forum to exchange ideas and opinions to advance scientific and technical knowledge for the safe, environmentally friendly and sustainable development of offshore oil and gas resources.
The event featured 11 panel sessions, 29 executive keynote presentations at luncheons and breakfasts, and nearly 300 technical paper presentations. Speakers—including major, independent and national oil companies; federal and regional government officials; and academics—presented their views on a wide variety of topics, including future industry directions, operational integrity and risk management.
The conference’s focus on bridging technology was exemplified by the “Pumps and Pipes: Innovation in the Oil Field and Cardiovascular Medicine†technical session. Leaders from two of Houston\'s major industries—medicine and oil and gas—discussed advances which could be shared to add value, reduce risk and improve efficiencies.
OTC 2016 takes place 2–5 May 2016 at NRG Park.
September 2014
InnoTrans 2014 10th Edition - Berlin, Germany
The tenth InnoTrans was an outstanding industry event. Record numbers of exhibitors and trade visitors; 140 world debuts; 145 vehicles on outdoor display and increased visitor satisfaction were the key features of the best InnoTrans to date. 2 758 exhibitors from 55 countries presented their innovative products and services in Berlin, with 138 872 international trade visitors from more than 100 countries visiting the fair.
Following incorporation of the new CityCube Berlin exhibition building, for the first time the fair extended over 40 halls instead of the previous 38. Innovations at the InnoTrans 2014 included, among others, the Future Mobility Park, a new venue presenting trend-setting creative and visionary transportation concepts. In addition to this, the fully-booked outdoor display and track areas included a new special gauge display, which focused on broad- and narrow-gauge vehicles.
April 2013
India Steel Expo - Mumbai, India
INDIA STEEL 2013 International Exhibition and Conference, is a joint initiative taken by the Ministry of Steel, Government of India and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) to provide a platform to all the Participants, Delegates, Business Visitors and other key decision maker from the Steel and other related industry to interact with, and explore new business avenues.
December 2012
Nanjing - Swissxer // Long Lasting Friendship and Harmony Dinner - Luzern, Switzerland
Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu province in eastern China and has a prominent place in Chinese history and culture, having been the capital of China on several occasions.
We had the honour to welcome our friends from the Nanjing Official Delegation in Luzern, Switzerland, together with the President of the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Beijing, for a special dinner where they were able to enjoy delicious traditional Swiss dishes in a typical and beautiful environment.
We look forward to many other occasions to share with our good friends from Nanjing.
November 2012
Food Fact Finding Mission - China/Hong Kong
For the last 20 years, the Chinese economy has grown at an average of 10% per year. The increase on purchase power by the new medium class, has established a new demand pattern for high quality food products and process machinery.
The Food Fact Finding Mission organized by OSEC (member of the Swiss Confederation), was the ocassion for Swisser to explore and discovered, on the ground, the extraordinary opportunities available in the market place. Together with an official Swiss delegation, we visited the four main metropolitan Chinese cities; Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing, as well as Nanjing, a main « second third city » raising economy in the country.
Swissxer will be launching in 2014/2015 its own brand of high quality dehydrated products (i.e. Egg Powder, FCMP), and process related machinery and equipments, available exclusively for the Chinese market.
September 2011
CS Promotional Video - Pitea, Sweden
Featuring our Passion model.
To watch it please visit the following link,
The Composite Scandinavia product range is a series of transparent composite LPG cylinders made of glass-fibre reinforced vinylester. The material properties and ingenious design provide a transparent, light-weight, highly cost-efficient product that is safe and easy to handle.
Septembre 2010
23rd World LPG Gas Forum. Madrid, Spain
For the first time in history the WLPGA will combine its annual event with the annual congresses of both the European LP Gas Association (AEGPL) and the Ibero American LP Gas Association (AIGLP). In addition, the third Global LP Gas Technology Conference will be hold together with a significant side event looking at LP Gas development in sub-Saharan Africa. All of these events together will contribute to what we believe to be the biggest and most significant single meeting of our industry ever.